Morning Therapy
Every month I take up a new challenge. I'm not A.J. Jacobs nor am I Julie Powell. I can't live out the Bible in a year or cook all the recipes in Julia Child's cookbook. But I can do something for 30 days. A commitment to do something for 30 days is reasonable and I am a reasonable person. I just want a challenge to shake things up, mostly for the better. I just might find something interesting along the way.
Although some people say it only takes 21 days to make or break a habit while others say it takes as long as 66 days, the challenges I'll take on are intended to entice myself out of my comfort zone. It is this process of commitment to stretch myself for 30 days that is the real habit. Anything else I take away from this experiment is icing. And I love icing. Especially the white fluffy kind on birthday cakes.