Lose 10 pounds

Lose 10 pounds

May's challenge: Lose 10 Pounds

This month's challenge is to lose 10 pounds.

The Plan

To lose weight you have to burn more calories than you eat. Simple math. So why are diets so complicated?

I decided to take everything I had ever read or tried and combine them in a simple formula: KIF.

Kinetic Focus: Exercise everyday.

Inner Focus: Ask yourself, "Will I feel guilty if I eat this?"

Food Focus: Be a vegetarian.

If you are following along with my little experiment, here is the official "warning": Before you begin any exercie or diet program, consult your doctor.

Okay, so there you go.

Three simple ways to stear myself to eat less and move more.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 8

Although I was on time for Yoga class today the room was so crowded that I had to wedge between two experienced yogis. You could see the apprehension in their faces when I announced I was new to Yoga. "I promise not to fall on you," I joked. They didn't laugh. They knew something that I didn't: today's teacher was hard core. Within the first minutes we found ourselves in Warrior 3 and it was downhill from there. Side planks. One arm planks. Even the two younger experienced yogis on either side of me began to grunt.

"What is this? Senior Yoga?" the instructor yelled as the grunting continued. I was hoping my Clairol had completely covered my gray and she wasn't directly asking me the question. A few poses later she yelled, "If yoga hurts, get out!" The class laughed and someone suggested she should print it on a t-shirt. "I mean out of the pose," she said. Yeah, that's what we all thought she meant.

After Bridge (and I don't mean the card game), Wheel, and front arm stand we collapsed into child's pose. Somehow I made it through gray hair and all. I was so excited to "get out" of there that I forgot two things: to return the little white towel I borrowed and to add a sticker to my chart.

I went back to do both errands and overheard a few of the veterans talking to some newcomers. "You have to work hard for her. She's like the Yoga Nazi."

I stuck my butterfly sticker on the board and left. As I walked to my car I thought about the Yoga Nazi. Whether it is soup or yoga, there is always one person who demands that you either love what they love or else, "Get out!"

Fortunately, I am beginning to like Yoga. I'll be back for more, even if it is with the Yoga Nazi.

Challenge Counter:
Number of Hot Yoga Classes: 5

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