Lose 10 pounds

Lose 10 pounds

May's challenge: Lose 10 Pounds

This month's challenge is to lose 10 pounds.

The Plan

To lose weight you have to burn more calories than you eat. Simple math. So why are diets so complicated?

I decided to take everything I had ever read or tried and combine them in a simple formula: KIF.

Kinetic Focus: Exercise everyday.

Inner Focus: Ask yourself, "Will I feel guilty if I eat this?"

Food Focus: Be a vegetarian.

If you are following along with my little experiment, here is the official "warning": Before you begin any exercie or diet program, consult your doctor.

Okay, so there you go.

Three simple ways to stear myself to eat less and move more.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 5

I made it to Hot Yoga today- I came, I saw, I sweated. I'm not talking about "glistening" or "perspiring", I'm talking about hard core sweat. The kind of sweat that is usually identified with locker rooms. Everyone was drenched in sweat today. The odd part is that the room didn't smell like a gym locker room. Now I know why the Yoga instructor always lights a few incense sticks before class begins.

Although I try not to, I always learn something from the Yoga instructor as she talks through the poses. Today she mentioned how Yoga makes you aware of the present- the now- through the intentional breath. Which, as she reminded me today, is the only thing we have. This moment right now. None of this is a new idea. In fact it reminds me of Sunday school teachings and Eckhard Tolle's The Power of Now.

Most of us know these ideas, but the problem is that we tend to forget them. So today I will breath and remind myself that all I have is now.

"All we have is the gift of this moment. That's why it is called the present."- The wise old turtle from Kung Fu Panda

Challenge Counter:
Number of Hot Yoga Classes Attended: 2

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